Well, this is new ground. Please take seriously the social distancing warnings of our medical experts and for the next week, please stay home.
SFO will remain closed until the end of the March Break and monitor the advice of the medical experts and various governmental advise and notes. On Saturday March 21, I will send a note for the next week but at present, we will likely not be operating on the Sunday 22nd, including new classes. The situation changes frequently and rapidly.
In the meanwhile, I am also asking ALL people who have keys to remain out of the club as we have noticed some people using it.
We are not actively sanitizing the club, and the virus can live on surfaces for some period. At present, only the Headcoach should be entering the club unless you tell me otherwise. This may allow us to open in small groups as we can control the environment in the immediate future but if the club becomes a non controlled space, it will remain closed. Please do not spoil it. If you have a key, stay out!
The entry code is now changed, and you will set off the alarm.
Be well, be kind and be unselfish to those whom you come into contact with. This is not an easy time but the values and virtues we inculcate in our sport - respect, value and integrity - will take us a long way.