There are quite a few things to pay attention towards as we rush into the holiday season:
1. ANNUAL Club Hannukamas/Christmakah PARTY is Sunday 17th December starting at 10 am. We have a fun in club tournament (parents can come to watch), the athletes do a white elephant gift exchange (always a fun time) and then have pizza (yes, it's easy) and drinks. This one is on the club. However, we do ask that if you are more than 4 people, that you pay for persons 5 to ?. We should finish around time for the beginners to start.
The white elephant gift exchange is a time honoured SFO tradition - Each person participating (only athletes, no siblings) brings a wrapped present. This can be bought, regifted, found in the house or whatever. Each person draws a number and can do one of the following: Choose to open a wrapped present, or steal an unwrapped present. If a present is stolen, then that person who lost the gift can select to steal or to take one unwrapped present and open it. There are two steals per round. It can be hot and heavy in the negotiations and the strategies are intense!
Please note, if you forget to bring a present, you cannot play.
Holiday Closure:
The club closes for the holiday break on Thursday 21 December and reopens on Wednesday January 3rd (the 2nd is Darren's birthday). There will be some short training times open (likely half days) in the interim but Darren is NOT planning on running a formal camp in that period. Stay tuned for the announced times.
Holiday Camps Elsewhere: please refer to the TeamSnap memo for details
All training this week at SFO is as usual, except Saturday morning (Dec 6) due to our hosting the Men's High Performance Camp.