Equipment: We almost have enough people to justify a purchase from our Cdn source - if you are in need of equipment and planning on purchase, please consider this unique one time offer. It is rare to see prices so low, and without any shipping or duty costs. I would anticipate having the gear in mid-May if we make the order as we will pick it up at the Nationals in Quebec City.
Vango Young Tigers: This is a Y8 to y14 event, and one of the rare under 12 events in fencing, nearish in Toronto. Please consider participating. Unfortunately, it also coincides with Ralf Bissdorf being in town for a coaching clinic, and this may impact the coaching support of the tournament. Details are here:
Easter Sunday: We close the club for Easter Sunday.
Coming Soon:
- We will start the club championships anon. Stay tuned.
- Armoury workshop: An evening training will be in the next couple of weeks for parents/athletes who wish to learn to fix their gear.
- Introduction to rules and tournaments: This will happen before Vango, Wednesday April 24th at 7:30 pm for those parents who wish to understand the basic rules of fencing and how a tournament proceeds. Please let Darren know if you plan to attend.