Equal and hearty congratulations for the many personal bests (Parker Lambert, Xanthe Marchanton, Elly Stock Bateman, Nora Hanley, Maggie Sousa, Suha Choi, and Isaac Hoyles) and especial congratulations to new to Ontario and general fencing competitions Hwan Sin, Isaac Chen and Quinn Pottle-Tschudi! Everyone had significant accomplishments and are moving in the correct directions.
This remains the last of the October's heavy competition weekends for Coach Darren as he travels Wednesday with our elite High Performance Athletes to Orlando, Florida (I know, tough) for the North American Cup. As such, please note the following schedule changes:
Wednesday: Only Pre-elite classes
Thursday: 7 pm start
Saturday: No elite training
Sunday: 11 am start for all.
Also, apparently the 31st is a big night for many of our athletes and as such we will cancel training so there can be lots of groovy ghoulie time.
The club armoury is closed for all fencers. No tape, no glue, nothing to be used.
You will need to fix your equipment at home going forward. Any person going up to the armoury will be reminded to not do so, and it is now off limits. Only coaching staff can use the armoury.
Darren and Robyn