I hope the week of school start up, new (old) routines have settled you in by now. We officially opened the club Thursday for the competitive and elite programs, scrapped off some more (not much as most were very active) rust today and are now in the normal routine of our published schedule.
This means ALL programs start, including Wednesday pre-elite, this week. Beginner lessons start on Sunday and newly minted (if there is desire) on Monday evenings.
Our London based programs will start as soon as we are cleared by the school board, and we are aiming for October 7. Stay tuned.
Some Important Business:
1. The OFA/CFF licences are finally active. All non beginner fencers (e.g., those not enrolled in our beginner programs in which the club pays the insurance membership fee as part of the fees) are required to join the OFA/CFF. The benefit is development of the sport, accounting of numbers for governmental support for our national athletes and, well, a requirement. If you have a question about which to join, let me know. You will be given, if the first time, a number that is your CFF number, it is lifelong.
2. Parent to Parent Sale: Next Sunday, we will have our parent to parent sale. The guidelines are pretty simple. You bring your stuff that someone may have outgrown or mistakenly sized, we check for safety if necessary, you price, they haggle and it leaves the club. If you leave it in the club, we own it which means it sits in the armoury until I remember to throw it out.
3. Tournaments: The OFA is slow to release dates, so hold on. We are looking just like you for them.
4. Recreational Fencers: Don't forget to purchase your memberships in the store.
It was a great experience to see everyone back in the club.