All training during T/W/Th is as normal but there is NO Saturday training and on Sunday anyone not going to Brock is welcome to train at 1pm with Coach Godfrey.
Congratulations to our athletes for outstanding results (again) at the Vango Young Dragons on the weekend of Nov 9-10. 4 gold medals, 1 silver and two bronze. (Photos)
Y10 Women's Foil: Ashley Davies 5th
Y10 men's foil: Cohen Bernard (GOLD), Quintin Vollmer (BRONZE)
Y12 Women's Foil: Ellie Davies (SILVER)
Y12 Men's Foil: Spencer Orr (GOLD), Cohen Bernard (11th), Dylan Shi (20th his first ever tournament!)
Y14 Women's Foil: Ellie Davies (GOLD)
Y14 Men's Foil: Blake Degroot (GOLD), Spencer Orr (BRONZE).
And it appears that the only club that beats SFO is SFO as we knocked out our own athletes in two events in the four.